Queen Among Queens

Several years ago I published my thoughts on Pedigree Matching in a small booklet. Since then the use of Pedigree Matching has expanded to include the Pedigree Matching Globetrotter software program. There are now hundreds of program users around the world and it is in response to their requests for more information on such topics as “the X Factor” and the importance of maternal connections that I have decided to self publish another book called Queen Among Queens. May I share the comments of two of my early readers.

"This is the most provocative and informative work I have ever seen. I commend you for being a modern day Wallace and Sherlock Holmes. Your software Pedigree Matching is also a wonder. As I learn to use it I am like a kid with a new toy, continually finding new things. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all who want to improve the breed."

– Bart Cavanagh, Media, PA

You’ve done a remarkable job of compiling the research for this book. I’m sure it will be a valuable reference for many breeders for decades to come. Congratulations on a magnificent effort .

– Dean Hoffman, Editor, Hoofbeats